पासवर्ड सफलतापूर्वक रीसेट कर दिया गया है और आपको ईमेल कर दिया गया है। नए पासवर्ड से लॉगिन करने के लिए कृपया अपना मेलबॉक्स जांचें।
9club ऐप डाउनलोड करने के लिए QR कोड स्कैन करें
वीआईपी अनुभव बड़ा, बेहतर लाभ
लाइव कैसीनो नकद छूट
स्लॉट नकद छूट
स्पोर्ट्सबुक छूट
उच्चतर निकासी सीमाएँ
फ्रीबेट में आपका स्वागत है
प्राथमिकता प्रसंस्करण जमा/निकासी अनुरोध
विशेष प्रचार कार्यक्रम
पुरस्कार अंक - कोई समाप्ति नहीं
Excविशेष वीआईपी सहायता हॉटलाइन 24/7
समर्पित वीआईपी दरबान
कांस्य योग्यता3 महीने या उससे पहले टर्नओवर 28,000,000 रुपये
रजत योग्यता3 महीने या उससे पहले टर्नओवर 48,000,000 रुपये
स्वर्ण योग्यता3 महीने या उससे पहले टर्नओवर 88,000,000 रुपये
प्लैटिनम केवल आमंत्रण द्वारा
कोई भी सदस्य जिसने 3 महीने या उससे पहले वीआईपी स्तरों के लिए टर्नओवर की आवश्यकता को पूरा
किया है। सदस्य को फोन कॉल/एसएमएस/ईमेल के माध्यम से वीआईपी अपग्रेड अधिसूचना प्राप्त होगी।
अधिक जानकारी के लिए कृपया यहां देखें।
लॉयल्टी पॉइंट वह पॉइंट है जो आपने हमारे साथ दांव लगाते समय अर्जित किया था। और आप हमसे उपहार या
मुफ्त शर्त का आदान-प्रदान कर सकते हैं। बिंदु गणना के लिए, कृपया "नियम एवं शर्तें" पर जाएं।
सदस्यों का कारोबार 9Club में उनके द्वारा खेले जाने वाले प्रत्येक गेम के प्रकार और उत्पादों पर आधारित होता है,
जिसमें शामिल हैं: स्पोर्ट्सबुक, लाइव कैसीनो, स्लॉट गेम्स, नंबर गेम्स और वर्चुअल स्पोर्ट्स।
पोकर, 918kiss और Live22 टर्नओवर शामिल नहीं हैं।
कांस्य, रजत, स्वर्ण और प्लैटिनम से प्रारंभ करें।
हाँ। जब तक वीआईपी गोल्ड की टर्नओवर आवश्यकता पूरी हो रही है।
सदस्य को 9Club से अधिसूचना या अनुस्मारक प्राप्त होगा, यदि हमने यह निर्धारित किया है
कि खिलाड़ी का टर्नओवर एक निश्चित अवधि में आवश्यकता को पूरा नहीं करता है।
कोई भी नया या मौजूदा सदस्य जिसने 3 महीने या उससे पहले वीआईपी के लिए टर्नओवर की
आवश्यकता को पूरा किया है, वह वीआईपी निमंत्रण के लिए पात्र होगा।
9Club यह निर्धारित करेगा कि अनुरोध पर सदस्य अपनी नवीनतम 3 महीने की हिस्सेदारी
राशि द्वारा वीआईपी सदस्य में अपग्रेड करने के योग्य हैं या नहीं। हालाँकि खिलाड़ी को 9क्लब
में सक्रिय खिलाड़ी होना चाहिए। अधिक जानकारी के लिए हमसे संपर्क करें।
हमारे वीआईपी सदस्य के लिए हमारे पास विशेष विशेषाधिकार हैं। विशेष प्रमोशन और ऑफर,
बड़ी निकासी सीमा, लॉयल्टी अंक अर्जित करें, उपहार भुनाएं और भी बहुत कुछ। यहां वीआईपी विशेषाधिकार देखें।
वीआईपी सदस्य बिल्कुल निःशुल्क है।
9Club वीआईपी कार्यक्रम में आपका स्वागत है!
हम किसी भी समय किसी भी खिलाड़ी की वीआईपी सदस्यता की समीक्षा करने,
अस्वीकार करने या रद्द करने और/या वीआईपी क्लब या इन शर्तों के किसी भी प्रचार या लाभ को संशोधित करने,
रद्द करने, पुनः प्राप्त करने या अस्वीकार करने का अधिकार अपने विवेक से रखते हैं और कोई पत्राचार नहीं
किया जाएगा। में प्रवेश करें।
हमें अपने वीआईपी कार्यक्रम के लिए व्यक्तिगत जानकारी और सत्यापन दस्तावेज एकत्र करने की
आवश्यकता हो सकती है जैसे कि वीआईपी उपहार, मोचन आइटम वितरण,
उड़ान टिकट बुकिंग आदि के लिए (पहचान पत्र, पता,
टेलीफोन नंबर और जन्म तिथि)। यदि आवश्यक हो तो आपसे जानकारी। यदि आप हमें हमारे द्वारा
मांगी गई जानकारी प्रदान करने में विफल रहे, तो हम आपको दिए गए उपहार,
आइटम या सौदे भेजने में असमर्थ हो सकते हैं। हालाँकि हम आपकी व्यक्तिगत जानकारी किसी
अन्य तीसरे पक्ष को प्रकट नहीं करेंगे। आपकी जानकारी हमारे पास 100% सुरक्षित है।
वफादारी अंक
लॉयल्टी अंक वह बिंदु है जो आप हमारे साथ दांव लगाते समय अर्जित करते हैं। गणना नीचे दी गई है:
लाइव कैसीनो / स्पोर्ट्सबुक / स्लॉट गेम / वर्चुअल स्पोर्ट्स / नंबर गेम्स
INR 8000 = 1 लॉयल्टी पॉइंट
- पोकर, Mega888, Suncity, 918kiss और Live22 को लॉयल्टी पॉइंट्स के लिए टर्नओवर गणना में नहीं लिया जाएगा।
- विपरीत सट्टेबाजी, ड्रा या रद्द शर्त को गणना में नहीं लिया जाएगा या किसी रोलओवर में नहीं गिना जाएगा।
- लॉयल्टी पॉइंट प्रतिदिन दोपहर 12 बजे के बाद अपडेट किए जाते हैं।
सभी लॉयल्टी पॉइंट केवल 12 महीने के लिए वैध हैं, सदस्य लॉयल्टी पॉइंट समाप्त होने के बाद पुनः प्राप्त करने में असमर्थ हैं। हालाँकि,
सदस्य अधिक जानकारी के लिए हमारे वीआईपी द्वारपाल के साथ अपने पॉइंट की समाप्ति तिथि की जाँच कर सकते हैं और हम
आपको अनुस्मारक भी भेजेंगे कि आगामी 3 महीनों में कौन से लॉयल्टी पॉइंट समाप्त होने वाले हैं।.
मोचन वस्तुएँ
वीआईपी कार्यक्रम का सबसे रोमांचक हिस्सा! हमारे साथ खेलने पर अधिक से अधिक अंक अर्जित करें, और सामान,
शानदार गैजेट, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक सामान पर मुफ्त दांव और बहुत कुछ का आदान-प्रदान करें! "मोचन केंद्र" देखें।
कृपया ध्यान रखें कि सदस्य अपने लॉयल्टी पॉइंट्स को अन्य सदस्यों को हस्तांतरित करने में सक्षम नहीं है।
ग्राहक सहायता विशेषज्ञ प्रतिदिन 24 घंटे उपलब्ध हैं।
मेल पता::
कृपया सभी सदस्य सेवा पूछताछ के लिए इस पते का उपयोग करें।
कृपया सभी मार्केटिंग पूछताछ के लिए इस पते का उपयोग करें।
कृपया सभी कैशियर और वित्त पूछताछ के लिए इस पते का उपयोग करें।
कृपया इस पते का उपयोग अपनी प्रतिक्रिया, सुझाव, प्रशंसा,
किसी अनसुलझे समस्या या असंतोषजनक रूप से हल किए गए किसी भी मुद्दे के लिए करें। हम 24 घंटे के भीतर आपको जवाब देंगे.
हमसे संपर्क करें
यदि आप हमें किसी भी समय कॉल करना चाहते हैं तो हमारे पास निम्नलिखित नंबर भी हैं। कृपया अपना खाता
नंबर अपने पास रखें ताकि हम यथाशीघ्र आपकी सहायता कर सकें।
भारत: : +6597754789
व्हाट्सएप:: वीचैट आईडी: : नाइनक्लबमी
हमारे 24X7 ग्राहक सेवा अधिकारी से चैट करें।
Apple MacBook Pro 512GB (14-inch, 2021)
98028 अंक
Product Description
The powerful M1 Pro or the even more powerful M1 Max to supercharge pro-level workflows while getting amazing battery life
- Up to 10-core CPU delivers up to 3.7x faster performance to fly through pro workflows quicker than ever
- Up to 32-core GPU with up to 13x faster performance for graphics-intensive apps and games
- 16-core Neural Engine for up to 11x faster machine learning performance
- Longer battery life, up to 17 hours
- Up to 64GB of unified memory so everything you do is fast and fluid
- Up to 8TB of super-fast SSD storage launches apps and opens files in an instant
- Stunning 14-inch Liquid Retina display with Extreme Dynamic Range and contrast ratio
- 1080p FaceTime HD camera with advanced image signal processor for sharper video calls
- Six-speaker sound system with force-cancelling woofers
- Studio-quality three-microphone array captures your voice more clearly
- Three Thunderbolt 4 ports, HDMI port, SDXC card slot, headphone jack, MagSafe 3 port
- Next-generation Wi-Fi 6 for faster connectivity
- Backlit Magic Keyboard with Touch ID for secure unlock and payments
- macOS Monterey lets you connect, share and create like never before, with exciting new FaceTime updates and a redesigned Safari
- Available in space grey and silver
Canon EOS 90D DSLR Camera (EF-S 18-55 IS STM)
85999 अंक
Product Description
A great DSLR for wildlife and sports, with fast focusing and burst shooting. Includes a versatile EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM lens
- Enthusiast DSLR for wildlife, sports and action, with standard zoom lens
- 32.5 MP, APS-C sensor, 10 fps, Dual Pixel CMOS AF
- Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, 4K movies, Vari-Angle Touchscreen
Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 12GB+128GB
79888 अंक
Product Description
- Dimensions: 166.9 x 76.0 x 8.8mm
- Weight: 220g
- *5G mmWave version weighs 222g.
- 6.9" Quad HD+ Dynamic AMOLED 2X
- Infinity-O Display (3200S20 5G440) 511 ppi
- HDR10+ certified
- 120Hz refresh rate support
- 12MP Ultra Wide Camera
- 108MP Wide-angle Camera
- 48MP Telephoto Camera
- DepthVision Camera
- 5000mAh (typical)
- 12GB RAM (LPDDR5) with 128GB internal storage
21.5-inch iMac
70488 अंक
Product Description
Faster than ever, iMac is now equipped with eighth- and ninth-generation Intel Core processors and the latest in high-performance graphics options. Storage zips along too, with the snappy and spacious Fusion Drive available in both models. Or you can configure iMac with up to a 2TB SSD. So no matter what you’re into, you can do anything you love on iMac. All at maximum velocity.
- 21.5-inch (diagonal) Retina 4K display
- 2.3GHz dual‑core Intel Core i5 (Turbo Boost up to 3.6GHz)
- 8GB of 2133MHz DDR4 memory
- 1TB (5400-rpm) hard drive
- Intel Iris Plus Graphics 640
Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max 128GB
68888 अंक
Product Description
iPhone 14 Pro Max. Capture incredible detail with a 48MP Main camera. Experience iPhone in a whole new way with Dynamic Island and Always-On display. Crash Detection, a new safety feature, calls for help when you can’t.
- 6.7-inch Super Retina XDR display featuring Always-On and ProMotion
- Dynamic Island, a magical new way to interact with iPhone
- 48MP Main camera for up to 4x greater resolution
- Cinematic mode now in 4K Dolby Vision up to 30 fps
- Action mode for smooth, steady, handheld videos
- Vital safety technology — Crash Detection1 calls for help when you can’t
- All-day battery life and up to 29 hours of video playback
- A16 Bionic, the ultimate smartphone chip
- Industry-leading durability features with Ceramic Shield and water resistance
- iOS 16 offers even more ways to personalise, communicate and share
Samsung 70 Inch (UA70RU7100KXXM) 4K UHD Smart LED TV
61999 अंक
Product Description
70"Real 4K UHD Resolution - 4x higher than FullHDUHD Processor - Optimizes high contrast for sharp,crisp imagesHDR - Increases range of light and see more detailsOne Remote Function - Control all of your devices and content
- Model-UA70RU7100
- Display Size (inches)-70
- TV Features-Netflix,HDR,Youtube
- TV Resolution-4K UHD
Apple iPhone 14 Pro 128GB
62688 अंक
Product Description
iPhone 14 Pro. Capture incredible detail with a 48MP Main camera. Experience iPhone in a whole new way with Dynamic Island and Always-On display. Crash Detection, a new safety feature, calls for help when you can’t.
- 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR display featuring Always-On and ProMotion
- Dynamic Island, a magical new way to interact with iPhone
- 48MP Main camera for up to 4x greater resolution
- Cinematic mode now in 4K Dolby Vision up to 30 fps
- Action mode for smooth, steady, handheld videos
- Vital safety technology — Crash Detection1 calls for help when you can’t
- All-day battery life and up to 23 hours of video playback
- A16 Bionic, the ultimate smartphone chip
- Industry-leading durability features with Ceramic Shield and water resistance
- iOS 16 offers even more ways to personalise, communicate and share
Apple iPad Pro 12.9-inch 128GB (5th generation) WiFi
59599 अंक
Product Description
iPad Pro features the powerful Apple M1 chip for next-level performance and all-day battery life. An immersive 12.9-inch Liquid Retina XDR display for viewing and editing HDR photos and videos.
- Apple M1 chip for next-level performance
- Brilliant 12.9-inch Liquid Retina XDR display1 with ProMotion, True Tone and P3 wide colour
- TrueDepth camera system featuring Ultra Wide camera with Centre Stage
- 12MP Wide camera, 10MP Ultra Wide camera and LiDAR Scanner for immersive AR
- Stay connected with ultra‑fast Wi‑Fi 6
- Go further with all-day battery life3
- Thunderbolt port for connecting to fast external storage, displays and docks
- Face ID for secure authentication
- Four speaker audio and five studio-quality microphones
- Support for Apple Pencil (2nd generation), Magic Keyboard and Smart Keyboard Folio4
- iPadOS is powerful, intuitive and designed specifically for iPad
- Over a million apps on the App Store just for iPad
Garmin Fenix 7x Sapphire Solar
58988 अंक
Product Description
Solar charging, assuming all-day wear with 3 hours per day outside in 50,000 lux conditions
- Touchscreen
- Color display
- LED flashlight
- Display size 1.4” (35.56 mm) diameter
- Display resolution 280 x 280 pixels
- Display type sunlight-visible, transflective memory-in-pixel (MIP)
- Weight 89 g (case only: 61 g)
- Battery life Smartwatch: Up to 28 days/37 days with solar*
- Battery Saver Watch Mode: Up to 90 days/ 1+ year with solar*
- GPS Only: Up to 89 hours/ 122 hours with solar**
- All Satellte Systems: Up to 63 hours/ 77 hours with solar*
- All Satellite Systems and Multi-band: Up to 36 hours/ 41 hours with solar**
- All Satellite Systems and Music: Up to 16 hours
- Max Battery GPS: Up to 213 hours/ 578 hours with solar**
- Expedition GPS: Up to 62 days/ 139 days with solar*
- *Solar charging, assuming all-day wear with 3 hours per day outside in 50,000 lux conditions
- **Solar charging, assuming use in 50,000 lux conditions
- Water rating 10 ATM
- Memory/History 32 GB
Microsoft Surface Pro 9
54488 अंक
Product Description
Microsoft Surface Pro 9 i5 8GB/128GB
- 2-in-1 versatility, one incredible touchscreen
- Lightweight starting at 1.94 lb (879 g).1 Carry the tablet that can replace your laptop
- Virtually edge-to-edge 13” PixelSense™ touchscreen designed for pen2 and Windows 11
- Sign, sketch, or navigate with Surface Slim Pen 2, securely stored and charging wirelessly in Surface Pro Signature Keyboard.2
- Intel® Evo™ 5 12th Gen processor, delivers blazing fast performance
- Perfect for full desktop productivity and local gaming
- 2 x USB-C® ports let you easily use or charge accessories, dock to high-powered displays, or transfer large creative files with ease. Choose Surface Pro 9 with Intel® for ultra-fast Thunderbolt™ 4 ports
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4 5G 8GB+256GB
43488 अंक
Product Description
Main Screen :6.7“ Dynamic AMOLED 2X, Adaptive 120Hz (1-120Hz), FHD+ Infinity Flex Display (2,640 x 1,080)
- Cover Screen : 1.9” Super AMOLED 60Hz (260 x 512), 302PPI
- Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 (4nm)
- 8GB RAM + 128GB ROM/ 8GB RAM + 256GB ROM/ 8GB RAM + 512GB ROM
- Rear Camera : (Ultra Wide) 12 MP FF F2.2 123° 1.12 μm + (Wide) 12 MP Dual Pixel F1.8 1.8μm OIS Super Clear Glass (Gorilla® Glass DX)
- Front Camera: 10 MP 1.22μm FF, F2.4
- Battery: 3,700mAh
- Bluetooth v5.2 + LTE + WiFi + 5G
- Single SIM + eSIM*, No microSD
- Wireless PowerShare, Super Fast Charging
- Samsung Pay
- Water Resistance IPX8 (1.5 m & 30 min)
- Side Fingerprint Scanner
Huawei P50 Pro (8GB RAM + 256GB)
39699 अंक
Product Description
Type: OLED, up to 90Hz refresh rate, 1,440 Hz high frequency PWM dimming, 300Hz touch sampling rate
- Dimensions: 156.5mm x 73.8mm x 7.92mm
- Weight: Approx. 181g
- Screen Size: 6.5 inches
- Colour: 1.07 billion colours
- Resolution: 2700 x 1224 Pixels
- Processors: Snapdragon 888 4G
- CPU: Octa-core, 1 x Cortex-X1@2.84 GHz + 3 x Cortex-A78@2.42 GHz + 4 x Cortex-A55@1.8 GHz
- GPU: Adreno™ 660
- Operating System: EMUI 12
- Memory: 8GB RAM + 256GB ROM
- Rear Camera
- 50 MP True-Chroma Camera (Color, f/1.8 aperture)
- 13 MP Ultra-Wide Angle Camera (f/2.2 aperture)
- 12 MP Telephoto Camera (f/3.4 aperture, OIS), support AF
- Front Camera
- 13 MP Selfie Camera (Wide Angle, f/2.4)
- Battery: 4,100mAH
- Charging: Huawei SuperCharge (Max 66W)
Apple Mac Mini M2 chip
31088 अंक
Product Description
Apple M2 with 8-core CPU, 10-core GPU, 16‑core Neural Engine
- 8GB unified memory
- 256GB SSD storage
- Gigabit Ethernet
- Two Thunderbolt 4 ports, HDMI port, two USB-A ports, headphone jack
Apple Watch Series 7 (GPS + Cellular)
29158 अंक
Product Description
The largest, most advanced Always-on Retina display yet makes everything you do with your Apple Watch Series 7 bigger and better
- Stay connected to family and friends with calls, texts and email, even when you don’t have your phone
- Stream music and podcasts on the go, and leave your phone at home
- Always-on Retina display has nearly 20 per cent more screen area than Series 6, making everything easier to see and use
- The most crack-resistant front crystal yet on an Apple Watch, IP6X dust resistance and swimproof design3
- Measure your blood oxygen with a powerful sensor and app1
- Take an ECG anytime, anywhere2
- Get high and low heart rate, and irregular heart rhythm notifications4
- Stay in the moment with the new Mindfulness app, and reach your sleep goals with the Sleep app
- Track new tai chi and pilates workouts, in addition to favourites like running, yoga, swimming and dance
- Track your daily activity on Apple Watch and see your trends in the Fitness app on iPhone
- Sync your favourite music and podcasts
- All-day battery life and faster charging5
- watchOS introduces new workout types, the Mindfulness app, the new Portraits watch face and enhancements to Messages
- Apple Watch comes with three free months of Fitness+, featuring world-class workouts by the world’s top trainers6"
GoPro HERO 8 Black Action Camera
28499 अंक
Product Description
- 12MP sensor
- 4K/60p, 2.7K/120p and 1080/240p video (up to 100 Mbps bit rate)
- H.264 and H.265 codecs
- HyperSmooth 2.0 video stabilization
- LiveBurst captures 1.5 seconds of photos or video before shot
- Integrated mounting 'fingers' attach directly to GoPro mounts
- Optional 'Mods' add features like 3.5mm mic jack, HDMI-out, selfie screen and LED light
- Waterproof
- Wi-Fi + Bluetooth connectivity
Braun Series 9 9240s Shaver
28499 अंक
Product Description
Braun Series 9 9240s Men's Wet & Dry Electric Foil Cordless Shaver
- Braun series 9 is the world's efficient shaver, that's exceptionally gentle to your skin; tested on 3-days beards vs leading premium tier products; details on braun.com/study-results
- Five synchronised shaving elements to capture more hair in the first stroke than any other premium shaver; tested on 3-days beards vs leading premium tier products; details on braun.com/study-results
- Two specialised trimmer, including titanium coating, capture even the trickiest hair
- The innovative SyncroSonic technology with 10,000 micro vibrations capture more hair in every stroke
- Braun intelligent autosensing motor guarantees efficiency in every stroke, even on dense beard
- Braun shavers: Quality grooming gifts for men
DJI Mini 2 SE - Camera Drone
19888 अंक
Product Description
Weighing under 249 grams, DJI Mini 2 SE is almost as light as the average smartphone.
- 249 g Ultralight
- 31-Min Max. Flight Time
- 10km HD Video Transmission
- 1/2.3 inch CMOS Camera
- 3-Axis Gimbal 2.7K Camera
- Simplified Recording & Editing
- 38kph / Level 5 Wind Resistance
Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2 Smart Watch
16588 अंक
Product Description
- 1.2" Super AMOLED Touchscreen Display
- Samsung Tizen Operating System
- Exynos 9110
- 4GB Storage Capacity + 0.768GB RAM
- Gorilla® Glass DX+
- 247mAh (up to 43 hours)
- NFC, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS
- Fitness & Wellness Monitoring
- 5 ATM, IP 68, MIL- STD-810G
- Bluetooth v5.0
- Box will be unsealed for warranty activation and quality check purposes
AirPods Pro
13399 अंक
Product Description
- Active noise cancellation for immersive sound
- Transparency mode for hearing and connecting with the world around you
- Three sizes of soft, tapered silicone tips for a customizable fit
- Sweat and water resistant
- Adaptive EQ automatically tunes music to the shape of your ear
- Easy setup for all your Apple devices
- Quick access to Siri by saying “Hey Siri”
- The Wireless Charging Case delivers more than 24 hours of battery life
Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 EU
8678 अंक
Product Description
Smart Path Planning. SLAM,setup real time map of the room with camera. Build the cleaning path
- Sweep&Mop
- Electronic water tank, precision water pump, protect floor
- 81.5mm high, cover more area
- 2700Pa suction power
- 3200mAh, cover 150m²
- Smart and fully automatically cleaning
- Turn on/off and track cleaning progress
- Support voice control
- Path planning: vSLAM
- Battery:3200mAh
- Cleaning mode:Sweep & Mop
- Suction power:2700Pa
- Auto-recharge & resume cleaning :√ Yes
- Electrical controlled water tank
- App functions
- Google assistant & Alexa: √ Yes
Apple TV 4K 32GB
6999 अंक
Product Description
- 4K HDR and Dolby Vision for stunning picture quality
- Dolby Atmos for immersive, room-filling sound
- Watch original stories from the most creative minds in TV and film on Apple TV+; included for one year when you buy an Apple TV 4K
- Play groundbreaking, new original games from Apple arcade
- Use Airplay to view photos and videos from your iPhone and iPad on your TV
- Ask Siri to search for movies, shows, and games with the Siri Remote
- Netflix, HBO Now, Hulu, Amazon Prime video, and thousands more apps in the app store
Bose SoundSport Free wireless headphones
5999 अंक
Product Description
- Truly wireless sport headphones for total freedom of movement, packed full of technology that makes music sound clear and powerful. Charging time 2 hours
- Earbuds are sweat and weather resistant (with an IPX4 rating) and come with 3 different pairs of StayHear and Sport tips (in sizes S/M/L) that provide a comfortable and secure fit
- Up to 5 hours of play time with each charge and an additional 10 hours with the included charging case
- Track lost earbuds with the Bose Connect App's “Find My Buds” feature
- Firmware update to improve audio video synchronization for customers using iPhones, iPads and other Bluetooth devices that support AVDTP version 1.3 or later, available via Connect app or btu.bose.com
Insta360 GO 1080p Flow State Action Camera
3999 अंक
Product Description
Insta360 GO Stabilized Sports Action Camera Mount Anywhere Hands Free Auto Edit Water Resistant Slow-mo Vlog Travel 1080P Video Cam
- FlowState Stabilization --- GO uses proprietary FlowState stabilization to keep your footage impossibly smooth.
- Auto Editing --- GO uses AI-powered FlashCut to find your best shots and edit them together on beat.
- Mount Anywhere --- With the wide range of in-the-box accessories, GO can be mounted just about anywhere. (Note: If you have a pacemaker, please do not wear GO on your chest, or use the Magnet Pendant due to its magnetism.)
- Hyperlapse --- GO shoots stabilized hyperlapses and recommends the perfect playback speed for your shot.
- Package List: Insta360 GO*1, Charger Case*1, Magnet Pendant*1, Micro-USB to USB Type-C Cable*1, Easy Clip*1, Angle Wedge*1, Sticky Base*1, Charge Cable*1, Pivot Stand Pivot Stand Base*1.
SENNHEISER IE60 Bass Ear Monitoring Earphone Hifi Earplug
2999 अंक
Product Description
Dynamic speaker systems with powerful neodymium magnets deliver greater sound definition and enhanced bass.Connectivity Technology: Wired
- Excellent attenuation of ambient noise of up to 20dB
- Extremely durable housing and rugged cable
- Sleek ergonomic design of ear canal phones
- Frequency Response 10 18000 Hertz , Impedance 16 ohm
Harman Kardon Esquire Mini 2 Speaker
2199 अंक
Product Description
- Wireless Bluetooth Streaming
- High fidelity sound
- Conferencing system
- 10 hours of playtime
- Carrying pouch
JBL Flip 4 - Portable Bluetooth Speaker
1999 अंक
Product Description
- Wirelessly connect up to 2 smartphones or tablets to the speaker and take turns playing impressive stereo sound
- Built-in 3000mAh rechargeable li-ion battery Supports up to 12 hours of playtime
- Ipx7 waterproof means no more worrying about rain or spills; you can even submerge flip 4 in water
- JBL connect+ allows you to Link more than 100 JBL connect+ enabled speakers together to amplify the party
- Dual external passive radiators demonstrate just how powerful your speaker is
Sony WH-CH510 Wireless Headphones
1588 अंक
Product Description
- Listen all day long with up to 35 hours of playback time
- Listen to your favorite tracks wirelessly with a Bluetooth wireless technology by pairing your smartphone or tablet
- 30mm driver unit for dynamic sound
- Swivel design for easy travel
- Easy hands-free calling and voice assistant commands with microphone
- Voice assistant-compatible for easy access to your smartphone
- Next-generation USB Type C charging
- In the box USB type-C Cable
- Power Source Type: Ac & Battery
Xiaomi Mi 18W 10000mAh
988 अंक
Product Description
Specifications Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 3 10000 mAh 18W QC 3.0
- P / N: VXN4274GL
- EAN: 6934177711602
- Model: PLM13ZM
- Battery Type: lithium polymer battery
- Capacity: 10,000 mAh 3.7 V (37 Wh)
- Nominal Capacity: 6000 mAh 5.1 V (usual 2A)
- Maximum Output Power: 18W
- Operating Temperature: 0 ° C ~ 40 ° C
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